My Favorite Techniques, Tips, and Tutorials

My Best

These are the tutoritals I love best on particular techniques and tips that I tend to go back to again and again.

1. Stretchy bind off: Andi Satterlund’s Modified Stretchy Bind Off.

I love this for any binding off that needs stretch: cuffs on socks, mittens and sleeves, waists, necks of a sweater, top down hats and cowls. About the only things i don’t bind off this way are scarves and shawls. I prefer this to Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off. I think it’s easier and, more importantly for me, the line it makes is a little tighter. I might do Jeny’s too loose, but I find my bind off line looks sloppy.

2. Seaming: Sally Melville’s Craftsy class called Essential Techniques Every Knitter Should Know.

I mentioned this class in an episode. It’s my go to when I have an odd cast on problem or increase or decreases that aren’t looking as polished as I want them to. Lots of great suggestions and really great filming so it’s super easy to see what she is doing. This is my favorite Craftsy class of all time. I use it all the time.

3. German Short Row (and total wrap and turn replacement): a Mimi Kezer’s German Short Row Tutorial.

This was life-changing! Ok, maybe not but at least my knitting life changing. The technique is so easy, but what I really appreciate about this video is her side by side comparison of the wrap and turn fabric with the german short row fabric. Once you see that, you’ll never wrap and turn again. Although after you see how easy german short rows are to do AND to keep track of where you are on the next row, that by itself might decide never wraps and turns again. I don’t know about you all, but I always struggle to see where my wrap and turn is precisely in the prior row (I know, markers, but sometimes I don’t). This was so easy for me to just see. Give it a try.

4. Addressing jogging in the round. You know that when you work in the round, you are effectively making a spiral. Most of the time that doesn’t matter, but it totally matters in striping, some colorwork and at your bind off. The following are my favorite ways to fix the visual spiral problem for those situations.

A. Knit Freedom’s How to Neaten the Last Bind Off Stitch in the Round. Great tutorial on this. You do have to fiddle just a little when you are done to match the tension of your other bind off stitches, but it doesn’t take much. When you are done, it’s just like she shows you in the tutorial–invisible.

B. Jogless Stripes by Knit Purl Hunter. This is a really straightforward video. I think she’s got it condensed down to what you actually need to know without a lot of irrelevant fluff. I wish her videos had a scidge more light, but you can see reasonably well.

5. Closing the gap on afterthought heels: by Knit Purl Hunter

She picks up slightly different stitches than the following by Knitting Pipeline which was recommended by Susan B Anderson, and the Knit Purl Hunter one above seems to work a little better for me.

6. These are the two magic loop youtubes I loved:

Knit Freedom’s beginning video. She has video classes for purchase if you want something more in depth, but I felt like I got everything I needed from this basic video for a vanilla sock.

Very Pink Knits which is actually a series of 5 or 6 videos that talk you through sock making and magic loop. I skipped a bunch since I know how to knit socks.

7. Fabulous fast and easy pompom making tutorial

8. Magic circle cast on (knitting). Lots out there that I think make things unnecessarily difficult. I liked this guy from newstitchaday.  It was clear and SHORT. Lighting could be better, but it’s certainly usable.

M1T (make 1 toward) used in Persian Dreams blanket)

I liked this one from knitting help. At the end of the day it’s more or less a back loop cast on.

Note: why the newstitchaday one on circle cast on spoke to me and was simple and their version of M1T was the one I giggled at and mocked endlessly, I don’t know. But feel free to watch their version of M1T if you want to be entertained (but not enlightened)

9. Tubular Cast On

10. Norwegian Knitting Thimble videos –

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Favorite Techniques and Tips from Listeners

A. Tucking fair isle floats and Cat Bhordi’s video for Judy’s Magic cast-on and Cabling without a cable needle from FrazzleDazzle

B. Helical Stripes for jogless stripes by Jenn Arnall Culliford from knitonepugtwo

C. Inserting a zipper in knitted garments from singlemompower